This web site is intended for all who share the love of learning and knowledge, and is currently under construction.
Three sources of inspiration and tutelary minds for this web site – a philosopher, an artist, and a scientist – are:
Epicurus of Samos (-341 / -270), most humane of philosophers, a guide on how to enquire “the nature of things” and on how to lead life. (Marble double bust of Epicurus and Metrodorus, Musée du Louvre)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 / 1519), the ultimate Renaissance man, whose mind, notable for the most passionate curiosity, has never been equaled. (Portrait by Francesco Melzi, Royal Library, Windsor)
Charles Darwin (1809 / 1882), whose contributions laid the the foundations of the edifice of biology. (1868 photograph by Julia Margaret Cameron, © Victoria & Albert Museum).